12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Учитель английского языка МБОУ "Кабалудская СОШ" с 2019 по 2023 год. Учитель английского языка МКОУ "Юскинская СОШ" с 2023 года.Стремлюсь учиться и познать что-то новое для себя.
Россия, Удмуртская респ., с.Юски

Эссе по теме "English should be included in the list of obligatory examinations".

English should be included in the list of obligatory examinations.

Some people believe that English should be passed by school graduates, while others argue that including this international language into the list of obligatory examinations is unnecessary.

I am convinced that English should be the part of compulsory examinations in our country. First of all, the reason is that preparation for English test would be a great way to increase vocabulary and grammar of future school graduates. Unfortunately, there are not many lessons in a week to keep up with all amount of information that can be required by examination. Secondly, passing English will be the main key for pupils to enroll to universities and get education bounded up with well-paid job. Nowadays English can be important part of successful career, that’s why future professionals should pass this exam.

However, there is another opinion that English as the part of the Unified State Exams should be optional. They believe that school graduates are too busy with other examinations as Russian language and Mathematics and there is no need to burden pupils’ brain with additional work.

Personally, I disagree with my opponents. I believe that English test is not just waste of time. Now English is the way to communicate with other cultures and nations. Preparing for this obligatory examination school graduates have an opportunity to improve their basics of English which would be necessary in their future.

To sum up, I would like to stress that including English into the list of obligatory examinations can lead to positive changes and improve the level of the most spoken language among the future generation.


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